
The Truth About Trans

“Gender-affirming care” has been in the headlines over the last couple of months, and if you share our concern about chemically and surgically altering the

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Celebrate National Marriage Week

In a world that prioritizes individual desire and instant sexual gratification over life-long commitment, celebrating the beauty and inherent goodness of Biblical marriage has never

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Dear Friend of the Family,  This week families across the Commonwealth will gather to celebrate Thanksgiving. During these special times with our loved ones, we

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Highest Court in MA Upholds Life!

Yesterday, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) issued its opinion in Kligler v. Healey, holding that there is no right to physician-assisted suicide in Massachusetts.

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Remembering Kris Mineau

On Monday, former Massachusetts Family Institute President Kris Mineau went home to be with the Lord. Kris served at the helm of MFI for over a decade, leading the

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It’s everywhere.

Last week, my sons and I had the privilege of serving on a missions trip to a remote rural town in the mountains of Guatemala.

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Warren’s disinformation war on women.

For the past two weeks, we’ve been telling you about the left’s post Roe campaign against Pregnancy Resource Centers and the women they serve. MA Senator Elizabeth Warren is helping lead the charge by spreading what can only be described as “disinformation” via her public attacks on PRCs…

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Massachusetts Pregnancy Resource Centers to A.G. Healey and Senator Warren, “Please Come and See Who We Are and What We Do.”

In light of the disinformation circulating about pregnancy resource centers recently, it is clear that we need to do a much better job educating the public about who we are and what we do. “Pregnancy resource center” is a broad umbrella term that consists of licensed medical clinics, medical offices, maternity homes and parenting support centers.

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What is A Woman?

If you haven’t seen this short video from yesterday’s Supreme Court nomination hearings, you need to. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson refuses to give a definition

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When Harry Became Sally

Recently we wrote about the transgender pandemic targeting our children. At MFI, we’re helping educate parents on the truth about transgenderism, and letting them know

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Weeping For Our Children

“Herod… killed all the male children in Bethlehem… Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: ‘A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping

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This Pandemic Targets Children

Transgenderism is a communicable disease, and it is raging like wildfire through our children – especially young girls.  I recently spoke with a parent in

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Exposing the Lies

For those of you who weren’t able to join us live on Tuesday night, we had the author of the MFI Book Club selection Live

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The Lie of “Safety”

In case you missed it, Tuesday’s second installment of the MFI Book Club on Live Not By Lies is up online now.  I think you’ll

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Are We Next?

In our thirty years of fighting for family values in the Commonwealth, MFI has consistently defended the definition of marriage as between one man and

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Attend the March for Life

Update: the March for Life is now a virtual event. Learn more here. This month marks 47 years of legalized abortion in the United States.

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Defend Life in 2021

Tragically, nearly 1 million babies are aborted every year in the United States. Most years in Massachusetts over 18,000 babies lose their life through abortion.

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Infanticide Becomes Law

On Monday, December 28th, the MA House of Representatives voted 107 to 46 to override Governor Baker’s veto of the ROE (“Infanticide”) Act. The 28th

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The Chicken Is On Us!

Have you signed up yet for the MFI Fundraising Celebration on Friday, October 16th?  While we normally have 500 people join us for our banquet

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2 Weeks To Go!

Tune in two weeks from tonight to join MFI’s celebration of 400 years of Faith, Family and Freedom in Massachusetts!  You’ll also hear about the

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Why Pastors Support MFI

In May of 2020, MFI was able to effectively bring together almost 400 pastors from all across Massachusetts to sign a Letter to the Governor,

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Whose “Legacy” Will We Honor?

I’m sure you’ve all seen the news over the weekend about the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday.  Sadly, radical abortion activists

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MA Vaccine Mandate

A number of you reached out to me this morning concerned about a new vaccine mandate for children going back to school in MA.  This

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Big Win For Religious Schools

Good news for religious freedom and Christian education from the Supreme Court yesterday!  In Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, the court ruled that religious employers,

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Gorsuch Gaslights America

With everything else going on right now, you may have missed Monday’s Supreme Court ruling that “sex” discrimination includes “sexual orientation” and “transgenderism.”  As bad

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Corona Effect On Churches

As the Corona virus shut-down drags on, the threats to our religious liberties have increased alarmingly.  On Easter, multiple MA churches were told they could

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After enjoying a time of thanks last week, today Americans all over the country are participating in #GivingTuesday. This online celebration is an opportunity for

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3 Things to be Thankful for

We hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday yesterday, full of fellowship and delicious food. In this season of thanksgiving, we often take time to reflect

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One story garnering a lot of attention this week is the Gender Snowperson that’s being taught to 4th graders in Lexington public schools. Yes. You read

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The past two weeks have seen many blessings for pro-family advocates across the country and right here in Massachusetts! We hope you feel encouraged by

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An Easy Way to Help

This summer, MFI partnered with Renew Massachusetts Coalition, Massachusetts Citizens for Life, and the MA Alliance to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortion to successfully launch a

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What Would You Say?

A year and a half ago, Joe Backholm, the former President of our sister organization the Family Policy Institute of Washington, shared with me his

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Don’t Leave the Room

For those of us with kids in school, especially those involved in youth sports, this time of year often includes a visit to the pediatrician’s

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Vaping no, Marijuana yes?

Our lawmakers have been busy this summer working on a new legislative initiative affecting youth, one that many of us would likely support. In response

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Planned Parenthood fires CEO

If you haven’t heard, Planned Parenthood just fired their President and CEO, Dr. Leana Wen, because Wen wanted to focus primarily on “health care” issues

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The Girls Finally Fight Back

From the threat of infanticide to assisted-suicide, the fight for life currently dominates conversation among pro-family activists in the Commonwealth. With our attention rightly fixated

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