Important Legislative Update: Last Day of Formal Session is July 31st!

The last day of formal session for the MA House and Senate is July 31st! This means that you have just one more week to contact your legislators and tell them to VOTE NO on these harmful bills:

  • The Radical Abortion Expansion Bill would eliminate nearly all restrictions on abortion in Massachusetts, allow girls of any age to obtain abortions without parental consent, and more. Tell your legislator to vote NO >>> here.
  • The Physician Assisted Suicide Act would legalize assisted suicide in Massachusetts, inviting abuse and creating a slippery slope toward devaluing life. Tell your legislator to vote NO >>> here.
  • The Sex Ed Mandate gives complete control over local sex education curricula to an unelected bureaucracy at the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The type of curricula approved by DESE includes graphic sexual content. Tell your legislator to vote NO >>> here.
  • The Parentage Equality Act would deprive children of their right to know their biological mother and/or father and turn children into a commodity that can be bought and sold. Tell your state Senator to vote NO >>> here.

The MA Legislature often tries to pass controversial bills near the end of the session when they think no one is watching. Take action and let your voice be heard!

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