MFI Testifies on Beacon Hill Against Radical Abortion Expansion Bill

Dear Friend of the Family, 

Last week we alerted you about a hearing on the Radical Abortion Expansion bill, HB1599/SB1114 held at the State House in Boston yesterday. Despite information about the hearing being published with short notice and the hearing taking place during a holiday week, many still showed up to testify in opposition to this dangerous bill. 

MFI’s Director of Community Alliances, Michael King, spoke in defense of life, parental rights, the protection of young girls, and the good work of pro-life pregnancy resource centers, which are unfairly targeted in this bill. Michael opened his comments by saying, “One might have thought that when our Legislature passed the ROE Infanticide Act in 2020, things could not get more extreme on the issue of abortion here in Massachusetts. But the sponsors of these bills are trying to prove that notion wrong.” Read the full transcript of Michael’s testimony here

This radical abortion expansion bill, HB1599/SB1114, obliterates parental rights when it comes to abortion and other treatments for their minor children, eliminates conscientious objections for medical professionals who oppose abortion, creates unsafe conditions for women seeking late-term abortions, and will likely violate the free speech rights of pregnancy resource centers.

Click here to learn more about this extreme legislation. 

Please click the button below and take 30 seconds to send your legislators a message to ask them to oppose the Radical Abortion Expansion bill.

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