MFI is Advancing Our Mission Protecting Faith, Family, and Freedom in the Commonwealth

Strong families preserve the health of our communities, state, and nation. That’s why MFI will never stop our vital work strengthening MA families and protecting our shared values and hard-won freedoms.

In case you missed these recent victories MFI won in defense of faith, family, and freedom here are the links to read more:

MFI Safeguards the Religious Conscience Rights of Nursing Student

MFI Protects a Family from Religious Discrimination at their Pediatrician’s Office

Win: MFI Stops Blatant Anti-Christian Discrimination in Groton-Dunstable Public Schools

MFI Protects Pro-Life Pharmacist

Give a gift today to fortify our crucial mission!


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MFI Signed Letter to CBS News Decrying Their Bias Coverage of Assisted Suicide

MFI recently signed a letter to CBS News condemning their biased coverage of physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Despite assurances from a CBS producer that the network would present a balanced two-part segment, the coverage overwhelmingly favored the pro-PAS perspective. The first segment exclusively promoted so-called “Medical Aid in Dying,” while the

Worcester Officials Vote to Become Transgender Sanctuary City

On Tuesday, the Worcester City Council passed a resolution declaring the city a sanctuary for transgender-identifying individuals. In line with the council’s recent approval of a $500,000 fund in support of “LGBTQIA” advocacy this measure is in response to President Trump’s recent Executive Orders to preserve female sports and protect

MLLC to Serve as Local Counsel on Ivy League and NCAA Lawsuit

The Massachusetts Liberty Legal Center is serving as local counsel in a groundbreaking new lawsuit filed by former University of Pennsylvania women’s swimmers Grace Estabrook, Margot Kaczorowski, and Ellen Holmquist against the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, the NCAA, and the Ivy League over their experience competing and being forced to share