SIECUS, Sex Toys, and Sex Education Standards in Massachusetts

** Warning: this article contains graphic content. ** 

Why are “sex toys” in the same sentence as “education standards” in Massachusetts? I’m glad you asked! 

The MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has frameworks for each of the required subjects in MA schools. These Frameworks serve as learning standards for each academic subject, including what should be covered in sex education.

If you visit DESE’s website to access the frameworks, you will find the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, or SIECUS, listed as one of the resources used in writing them.  Last month, a new version of the notorious “Sex Ed Mandate” bill was filed on Beacon Hill, and it now ties some of what our children would learn, should the legislation be enacted, directly to SIECUS materials.  But why is this so concerning? 

The Sick History of SIECUS

Many are unaware of the history and radical associations of SIECUS. SIECUS was established by Dr. Mary Calderone, medical director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America from 1953 to 1964, and former member of a team that worked with Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey, known as the father of the sexual revolution, conducted his research using data collected from pedophiles. He asserted that children were sexual from birth and that they needed to be aware of and participate in all types of sexual behaviors, even from a young age. Considering the relationship between Kinsey and SIECUS, it’s no wonder their guidelines recommend that children ages 5-8 should be taught about masturbation, STDs, vaginal intercourse, transgenderism, and abortion. (Don’t believe it? Look here.) Calderone, along with her team at SIECUS, were also some of the original architects of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) that Planned Parenthood and others are now aggressively pushing in our schools. Shockingly, the SIECUS standards are used by state departments of education across the country to inform what content should be included in sex education classes. 
Since it’s founding in 1964, SIECUS has unashamedly continued its quest to change the sexual and gender norms of society, normalize and promote high risk sexual behaviors, and encourage even the youngest of children to experiment sexually. In fact, they no longer even try to hide their agenda. In 2019 they rebranded themselves to “highlight the group’s new and evolving direction,” and added the slogan, “sex ed for social change.” In keeping with their group’s mission, they engage in public policy advocacy and strategic messaging campaigns to convince legislators, educators, and even parents that their brand of graphic sex education is good for society. Their hubris is astounding, as they claim that sexual “rights” for girls and boys will actually benefit children, families and communities. The disastrous effects the sexual revolution has had on our nation, particularly our children, are profound and well documented by organizations like the Ruth Institute, which exposes the harm these lies have wrought. 
SIECUS and Sex Toys

So now that you understand a little about the history of SIECUS, where do sex toys fit in? SIECUS hosts webinars to advance their sick sex ed agenda. One of their latest webinars was “Consent, Sex Positivity, and Pleasure: Filling in the Gaps in Sex Education” sponsored by b-Vibe, a sex toy company for every product imaginable to make anal sex more pleasurable. You read that correctly. Sex toy companies sponsor SIECUS’s “educational” webinars. And the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) uses SIECUS as a resource to inform the sex ed standards to be taught in your child’s classroom. Outrageous. 

On their Get Involved page, SIECUS invites sex-related businesses to become their partners. In addition to b-Vibe, two other sex toy companies, Fun Factory and leWand, are listed as supporters. A word of caution before clicking through to these sites; there is graphic content. See some of the graphics taken from the b-Vibe site below. I regret that I must include links and pictures that are inappropriate and contain explicit sexual content, but without offering the evidence, many simply do not believe that the things I uncover are really as extreme as I report. 

It’s bad enough that DESE consults SIECUS to inform their sex ed standards, but even worse is that every CSE curriculum being used in MA public schools also reference SIECUS and incorporates their twisted philosophy of sexual “rights” and the right to sexual pleasure for children. Read the harm analysis documents for Flash, Planned Parenthood’s Get RealInformed and In ChargeMaking Proud ChoicesOur Whole Lives, and the 3Rs, all curriculums now in use in our state and across the country. 

MA Parents Fighting Back

It is time we wake up to what is really going in sex education in MA. CSE is not education. It is grooming. Your child deserves to be protected from gross sexualization in school.   

The good news is, local parents are banding together to do something about it.  A year ago, I formed the Massachusetts Informed Parents group, which brings parents, educators, medical professionals and activists from all across the Commonwealth to raise awareness about these issues and find ways to push back and protect our kids. 
You can join us! We must grow the movement to stop the sexualization of children in our public schools. Together we can hold our legislators and school officials accountable. 

Here’s what you can do: 

1. Ask your school officials what sex education curriculum is being used in your child’s school. Use this sample email. When you receive the information back, forward it to [email protected] and I will tell you what I know about the curriculum they are using. 

2. Opt your child out of CSE classes in school. Use this sample opt out form. Let’s start an opt out movement! 

3. Search the posts in the Massachusetts Informed Parents group to learn more about the Sex Ed Mandate now pending on Beacon Hill. This legislation would mandate that all school districts teaching sex ed use a CSE curriculum. Contact your legislators today to voice your objection. 

Be equipped to protect your kids! 


This is who is “sponsoring” Sex Ed for YOUR kids! 


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