Call to Action! Stop The Abortion Expansion Bill!

Dear Friend of the Family, 

The Joint Committee on the Judiciary set a hearing date of Tuesday, November 21, 2023, for the Radical Abortion Expansion bill, HB1599/SB1114. This legislation must be stopped!

Filed by Rep. Sally Kerans (D – Danvers) and Sen. Rebecca Rausch (D – Needham), HB1599 and SB1114, both titled An Act Enhancing Access to Abortion Care, are a further radicalization of Massachusetts abortion laws.

This radical abortion expansion bill, HB1599/SB1114, obliterates parental rights when it comes to abortion and other treatments for their minor children, eliminates conscientious objections for medical professionals who oppose abortion, creates unsafe conditions for women seeking late-term abortions, and will likely violate the free speech rights of pregnancy resource centers.

Please consider testifying in opposition to HB1599/SB1114 on Tuesday, November 21st. The hearing begins at 1 PM. You can testify in person at the State House in hearing room A-2 or virtually here.

The bill destroys parental rights by allowing girls of ANY age to get an abortion without parental knowledge, would eliminate the judicial bypass that grants a judge the authority to allow a girl under age 16 to obtain an abortion without parental consent, and would prohibit school-based health centers from telling parents about any abortion services provided to their daughter.

It would also allow minors to consent to vaccines, including the COVID, HPV, and other vaccines, or other treatments without parental knowledge or permission.

We must stop this legislation!

If you can’t make it to the hearing to testify, and even if you can, your legislators need to hear from you now! Click here to ask your legislators to oppose HB1599/SB1114.

HB1599/SB1114 would also eliminate the conscientious objection exemption to performing some abortions. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals would be forced to perform abortions against their sincerely held religious or conscientious objections. This is wrong and will likely result in costly court battles.

Additionally, this abortion expansion bill would eliminate safety precautions for late-term abortions and endanger women. Under this bill, any medical professional would be able to perform an abortion as long as the person is acting within the scope of their practice, and it eliminates the need to keep life-saving equipment in facilities that perform dangerous late-term abortions.

Finally, it would authorize the Department of Public Health to use taxpayer funds to promote abortion clinics and to smear pregnancy resource centers by claiming they do not provide medical services, are biased and deceptive, and are dangerous for women.

Please, click here and take 30 seconds to send your legislators a message to ask them to oppose the Radical Abortion Expansion bills.

Yours in the fight for life,

Bill Gillmeister, Legislative and Education Consultant

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