ACTION ALERT! Stop the Pregnancy Resource Center Gag Rule!

The Committee on Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure announced yesterday that they have scheduled a hearing for the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) Gag Rule, HB377 and SB174 for Monday, July 24th at 1:00 pm at the State House in Boston.

HB377/SB174 aims to censor the speech of pro-life PRCs, making it more difficult for them to do their vital work assisting women in need.

We oppose the PRC Gag Rule for these reasons:

If passed, this bill would violate the First Amendment free speech rights of PRCs and benefit Big Abortion at the expense of vulnerable mothers and babies.

Please take a few moments to contact your legislators by clicking here. To learn more about this bill visit our Take Action page.

We strongly encourage you to provide testimony in opposition to this legislation at the hearing. Registration to present oral testimony is required. To register, please fill out your contact information in this FORM by Friday, July 21 at 5:00 PM.

We can stop the PRC Gag Rule but only if you contact your legislators, provide testimony, or both.

If you are not able to testify, we encourage you to attend the hearing and show MA legislators that a large number of their constituents oppose this biased and unconstitutional attack on PRCs. No one should be censored for supporting life in MA, most especially charitable organizations that help women and babies.

Help us continue our crucial work protecting life in the Commonwealth. Donate today!


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