Across the state, student clubs like the Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) set aside a day, a week, or sometimes even a month to promote sexual ideology. From Bisexual Awareness Day and LGBT History Month to International Pronouns Day, GSAs promote national and international observance days to a captive audience of students in MA K-12 schools. These promotions represent a real and persistent agenda aimed at sexualizing our children and pushing harmful sexual and transgender ideology on them.
MFI is committed to keeping parents informed, so that they can act to protect their children. As parents prepare for the new school year, we hope this “Sex on the School Calendar” list of dates will assist them in safeguarding their students. Click here for a downloadable PDF.
Leaving children vulnerable to persistent, inaccurate, and dangerous messages is not the only option! Here are 5 things parents can do to protect their children’s hearts and minds:
- Consider an alternative schooling option like Christian schools or homeschooling. Contact a learning center for homeschool support. View a list of MA learning centers here.
- Know the messages about human sexuality and gender being taught in schools and actively counteract them with biblical truth. Visit the interactive sex-ed map on our website and learn more about the curriculum being used in MA districts.
- Understand your rights as parents and what steps you can take to further protect your children. Read our Know Your Rights: Responding to Graphic Sex Education and LGBTQ Content in Massachusetts Public Schools. Use the Back to School for Parents guide specifically created for busy parents.
- Opt your children out of sex ed class and request that they not be exposed to LGBTQ-themed assemblies, books, or events. Use our sample sex ed opt out here, and our accommodation request regarding LGBTQ content here.
- Join the growing community of MA parents who want to stay informed on issues in education, become more equipped to protect their children, and connect with other like-minded parents. Follow Massachusetts Informed Parents on Facebook.
All of these resources, and more, can be found under the “Resources” section of our website.
Schools need to return to teaching academics and stop inundating our children with sexual content.
MFI is committed to coming alongside parents in their efforts to protect their children from the cultural war being waged against them. Follow us on social media for breaking news updates and calls to action on issues affecting MA families.
MA children are under attack. Help MFI continue our vital work to protect them from sexual grooming in school by giving a financial gift today!
Finally, register now to attend our 32nd Annual Fundraising Banquet. The timely theme of our banquet this year is The Battle for Our Children. Katy Faust, author of Them Before Us, and founder of a global children’s rights movement of the same name, will be our keynote speaker. She publishes, speaks, and testifies widely on why marriage and family are matters of justice for children and their need for protection from sexual ideology and grooming. Reserve your seat today!