Warren’s disinformation war on women.

For the past two weeks, we’ve been telling you about the left’s post Roe campaign against Pregnancy Resource Centers and the women they serve. MA Senator Elizabeth Warren is helping lead the charge by spreading what can only be described as “disinformation” via her public attacks on PRCs. So MFI engaged in a little fact-checking and worked with nine local pregnancy resource centers to put out a press release yesterday, setting the record straight and inviting Senator Warren to visit them and get educated on their life-saving work. 

You can read the full statement here. These courageous pro-life champions provide a vital service to women and families in the Commonwealth through early pregnancy diagnosis, STI testing, prenatal health education, and pregnancy options counseling. In 2021 alone, MA Pregnancy Resource Centers:

  • served nearly 3,000 women
  • provided over 1,500 pregnancy tests
  • performed more than 1,200 ultrasounds
  • distributed over 20,000 packages of diapers and 1,000 packages of baby wipes
  • helped nearly 100 women with post abortion counseling

All of this was done at no cost to the women served. Nevertheless, Warren’s cynical statements are part of a nationwide attack on these most visible members of our pro-life community. Shannon McGinley, the Executive Director of MFI’s sister organization in NH, Cornerstone, sees the same things happening in her state.

“At the end of June, Pathways Pregnancy Center in Littleton was defaced with the message ‘fund abortion abort God’ scrawled on the side of the building. Two pro-life centers in Worcester, Mass. were viciously vandalized. Many of these attacks happened in broad daylight with apparent impunity. Small wonder. Reporters and politicians are part of the rallying cry to do violence and attack institutions dedicated to supporting women and unborn children. Even the civil rights division chief in the Justice Department responsible for investigating these crimes is on record as stating crisis pregnancy centers are ‘harmful’ and ‘predatory.’”

You can read her full Op Ed in the Union Leader here.

Know that MFI is standing shoulder to shoulder with our tireless champions for life in MA. You too can help push back on Warren’s disinformation campaign by sharing this email or the facts in the linked press release on social media. 

For Life, Truth, and our Families,

Andrew Beckwith, President & General Counsel

P.S. I’ve been at the national Family Policy Alliance conference this week, and I had the pleasure of meeting Joe Kennedy. He recently won a Supreme Court case defending his right to pray after coaching high school football games. I also learned he is a fellow Marine! The team at MFI is so excited to have Coach Kennedy’s attorney, First Liberty’s Kelly Shackelford, as our October banquet speaker. Don’t miss out – reserve your tickets today! 


                                   Andrew Beckwith and Coach Kennedy



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