Defeating Satan, Defending Free Speech, and Announcing our 32nd Annual Banquet Speaker

MFI had an eventful week engaged in a spiritual and legal showdown. Through intercession with other believers and an intervention with a MA public school who violated a student’s rights, MFI was on the forefront of safeguarding faith, family, and freedom in the Commonwealth. Read these inspiring stories below and our exciting announcement regarding our annual fundraising banquet on October 13th.

Defeating Satan

Last weekend at REVIVE Boston Christians from across New England gathered for worship, prayer, and evangelism at the same time SatanCon was being held just one mile away. We told you about both events previously here and here. Leaders of REVIVE Boston, worked with over 170 pastors on the event, many of whom were referred through the MFI network.

The worship event was an uplighting experience for all who attended. Read the powerful testimony of MFI staff member Amanda Garcia who was there.

“At the Saturday evening service, I encountered a worshipful atmosphere and a full house of fearless Christians gathered in reverence and excitement.  Many people received prayer and encountered the healing power of Jesus Christ. Earlier that day, close to 300 people from 50 different churches participated in evangelism training taught by YWAM Boston. Several attendees shared reports that over 100 people accepted Christ as a result of the REVIVE Boston evangelism efforts in six strategic areas across the city.

What resounded in my heart during the gathering was the bold display of worship and unashamed proclamation of the gospel of salvation which set us free from our relentless foe thousands of years ago. I was reminded of Psalm 92 which declares that though the wicked spring up like grass and though they may seemingly flourish; it is the Lord who will have the final say in battle. May we continue to courageously proclaim the gospel of peace in our homes and schools, and on our streets, for such a time as this.”

Amen, Amanda. MFI will never stop standing up for truth and righteousness in the public square.

Defending Free Speech

While believers did spiritual battle in Boston, another battle was brewing in the town of Middleborough, this one in the form of suppression of a young student’s First Amendment rights. Defeating the lies of Satan that are so pervasive in our culture requires a strong defense against threats to our constitutional right to free speech. When our hard-won freedoms are in jeopardy we must act quickly. And that is exactly what MFI did when the stepmom of twelve-year-old Liam Morrison reached out to MFI for help. Middleborough school officials sent Liam home from school when he refused to remove his shirt they deemed “hate speech.” So, what did the shirt say? Five simple words: ‘There Are Ony Two Genders.’

MFI responded to this violation of Liam’s right to free speech by sending the school a demand letter last Thursday. Since then, Liam’s case has gone viral. Over the weekend, national news outlets ranging from Fox News to the popular “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account posted the video of Liam’s eloquent speech to the Middleborough School Committee. The speech has now received over thirteen million views.

Yesterday, Liam wore the shirt pictured below demonstrating that his free speech was censored by the district. Not surprisingly, the school made him take it off.

MFI is now preparing to take legal action on behalf of Liam and his parents to vindicate Liam’s right to speak truth in a culture inundated by lies.

Announcing our 32nd Annual Fundraising Banquet Speaker

It’s clear there is a battle waging for the hearts, minds, and bodies of our children. MFI is leading the charge to protect them from threats such as transgender ideology and highly sexualized content in school curricula and libraries. That’s why we are pleased to announce our keynote speaker Katy Faust, author of Them Before Us, and founder of a global children’s rights movement of the same name. Katy publishes, speaks, and testifies widely on matters of justice for children and their need for protection from sexual ideology and grooming. You won’t want to miss her energetic defense of children against cultural indoctrination and why the work of MFI is so vital to winning the battle for our children!

Our children are our future. We must fight to protect them from the schemes of Satan to destroy them and provide a strong defense for students like Liam who stand up for the truth. Would you consider making a donation today to help us continue our crucial work?


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