MA Department of Health Pushes Chemical Abortions for College Students

Dear Friend of the Family, 

It is hard to imagine how Massachusetts could become any more radically pro-abortion. Yet, the day before Thanksgiving, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH) released a document that would push MA even further in its disregard for unborn human life. 

This document, called  “Medication Abortion Toolkit for Public Colleges and Universities,” is designed to “assist” public colleges in MA as they make “medication abortion readiness plans to provide, or make referrals for, medication abortion on college campuses.” Public universities in  MA had until November 30th to create and submit their plans to DPH. The submitted plan must demonstrate that the institution has a relationship with abortion providers and that they have determined the “feasibility of offering medication abortion on-site” if they have a health center on campus. 

Increased accessibility to the abortion pill on MA college campuses puts female students at risk. In 2022, Live Action, a human rights non-profit and the digital leader of the global pro-life movement published an exposé on the abortion pill. Their research showed that since 2000, nearly 4,200 women reported cases of severe side effects including:

  • 1048 hospitalizations excluding death
  • 604 blood loss experiences requiring transfusions
  • 414 infections (71 severe)
  • 28 maternal deaths

Live Action also states “In 2016, the FDA stopped requiring that adverse effects be reported- only deaths. The actual statistics are likely much higher.” 

These statistics, alongside the 5.6 million preborn children who have been murdered by the abortion pill, are staggering. A December 2021 study that estimates between 600 and 1,380 female students at public colleges in MA have abortions each year. Yet, this “toolkit” does not just seek to further abortion, but also limit pro-life voices on campuses. 

The 47-page document acknowledges that some employees may have moral issues with abortion and recommends that colleges host “values clarification workshops” to identify these staff members. The document goes on to state: 

“These workshops may also inform the need to discuss and develop accommodations for staff who are not comfortable participating in medication abortion care delivery, and to integrate discussion of medication abortion care delivery into interview protocols with prospective clinical or support staff.”

This section strongly implies that pro-life applicants to university health center jobs can, and even should, be weeded out during the interview process due to their opposition to abortion. The  MA DPH is clearly encouraging religious discrimination. 

Massachusetts Family Institute stands ready to take legal action on behalf of anyone who is denied a job at these university clinics because of their opposition to abortion. Please reach out to us immediately if you experience this discrimination! 

This Toolkit comes on the heels of a recent push at the State House to obliterate parental rights when it comes to abortion and other treatments for their minor children. The radical abortion expansion bill, HB1599/SB1114 eliminates conscientious objections for medical professionals who oppose abortion, creates unsafe conditions for women seeking late-term abortions, and will likely violate the free speech rights of pregnancy resource centers.

Click here to learn more about this extreme legislation. 

As attacks on the unborn mount from all sides, the fight to defend life in MA has never been more important. MFI is leading the charge against radical legislation and fighting for the rights of pro-life advocates in court. Will you join us?

Donate to support our vital work today! 

For our families,

Mariah Newell, Communications and Social Media Specialist


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