Breaking News! Roe Act Amendment 759 Passes in House Under Cover of Night

Dear Friend of the Family,

108 Massachusetts representatives waited for a lame duck session late last night and in the midst of the COVID health crisis, to allow more abortion for women.

Our fight for life is not over! Amendment 759 will go to the Senate on Tuesday and eventually make its way to the governor’s desk.

Here’s what we are asking you to do:

  • Call Governor Baker, 617-725-4005. Urge him to exercise his line item veto power to reject this unconscionable amendment.
  • Call your representative and ask them to protect a potential veto from the governor. Find your representative here. 49 representatives voted against Amendment 759. A total of 54 representatives are needed to uphold a potential veto. We need to persuade 5 more representatives to rethink their vote.

Use these talking points about the amendment:

  • Allows minors to get abortion without their parent’s knowledge or consent (340 girls under the age of 18 had abortions in MA in 2019)
  • Allows doctors to deny life-saving medical care to viable babies born alive during an abortion (passive infanticide)
  • Allows abortion through all nine months for any reason
  • Allows abortion to be performed by physican assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurse midwives

Please CALL your elected officials TODAY! For a more in depth analysis of this legislation, please click here.


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