MFI and ADF Continue to Defend Liam Morrison’s Free Speech in Appeals Court Yesterday

Yesterday, MFI and Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represented Liam Morrison at a hearing before the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston. Liam and his family were able to attend the oral arguments. The three-judge panel asked tough questions to both sides about whether Liam’s shirt is protected by the First Amendment. After the hearing, Liam met a line of reporters for a press conference and gave a statement about his case. As Liam stated, this case is about much more than a t-shirt – it’s about whether students in public schools should be able to speak truth about basic biology without fear of censorship. 

Liam Morrison with ADF Attorney Dave Cortman and MFI Staff Attorney Sam Whiting standing outside of the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston. Photo by Alliance Defending Freedom.

To learn more about how Liam’s Middleborough public middle school violated his free speech rights read >>> here.

It’s certainly not clear what the outcome of yesterday’s hearing will be, but we know it is in the Lord’s hands. Please continue to pray for Liam and his family and a favorable result in this case!


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