MFI Banquet Speaker to Schools, “Don’t Touch the Kids!” Register to Attend Before Seats Are Gone!

From transgender ideology indoctrination in public schools to highly sexualized content in school curricula, libraries, music, and social media, the hearts, minds, and bodies of children in Massachusetts are under attack. That’s why the theme of our 32 Annual Fundraising Banquet this year is “The Battle for Our Children.”

We are excited to hear from our keynote speaker, Katy Faust. As a mom of four and public policy expert based in Seattle, Katy is all too familiar with the challenges of parenting in an increasingly hostile cultural environment. She is especially passionate about two things – protecting kids amidst constant ideological, technological, and cultural change, and about what is going on in public schools. She recognizes that the ideology children are exposed to today often comes from their teachers and school curricula. Her message for those in the school system who wish to corrupt the innocence of children is simple, “Don’t touch the kids. Don’t touch my kids.”

Katy publishes, speaks, and testifies widely on why marriage and family are matters of justice for children and why children should be protected from sexual ideology and grooming. She is the author of two books, Them Before Us and Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City. Katy understands that we are engaged in a war of ideas and that children are being victimized by cultural indoctrination, as she explains in this video on Fox News. Yet, she offers hope and encourages parents that their children do not need to be cultural victims. You don’t want to miss her powerful insights!

We invite you to join us on October 13th to celebrate MFI’s successes as we lead the charge to safeguard children and defend parental rights in Massachusetts, as well as to hear about our plans for the future.

Register today, while tickets are still available!

For our children,

Mary Ellen Siegler, Director of Communications, Research, and Operations


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