It’s almost Bring Your Bible to School Day!

It’s that time of year again––Bring Your Bible to School Day is this Thursday, October 6th!

Our national counterpart Focus on the Family has a great description of how Christian students from all over the country participate in this annual event here.

Not only do we encourage you to join thousands of other students in sharing their faith, but MFI also invites you to take this opportunity to start a Bible club at your school. All you have to do is find a student to lead the group and a teacher to sponsor! MFI will be more than happy to help support you in getting your club started.

To that end, we also have two additional resources to share with you so that you know your rights to participate in Bring Your Bible to School Day and start a Bible club at your school.

Bring Your Bible to School Student Rights Information by Focus on the Family

Legal Memo for Bring Your Bible to School Day by Alliance Defending Freedom

Check out this great video about a Bible club started in Lynn, MA with the help of MFI!

Want to know more about how to start a Bible club at your school? Check out the below resources.

Middle & High School                                                       Elementary Schools

Decision Point | National School Project         Good News Club

Kathy Craig                                                               Jessica Gagnon 

[email protected]         [email protected]   


                                                                                    Office: (774) 254-4129

For our families,

Andrew Beckwith, President & General Counsel


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