Our Banquet Speaker Just Won a Big Supreme Court Case Yesterday!

On Friday, we witnessed the end of Roe v. Wade. We’re still fielding media inquiries on that historic victory, but we were handed another Supreme Court win yesterday morning. This case affirms the religious liberty of a public high school coach who was wrongly fired for simply praying on the field by himself after games.

We are especially excited about this victory because the head of the law firm that represented the coach is this October’s banquet speaker, Kelly Shackelford. Kelly is President, CEO, and Chief Counsel for First Liberty. As he put it, “This is a tremendous victory for Coach Kennedy and religious liberty for all Americans. Our Constitution protects the right of every American to engage in private religious expression, including praying in public, without fear of getting fired. We are grateful that the Supreme Court recognized what the Constitution and law have always said – Americans are free to live out their faith in public.

We are so grateful for Kelly’s work of defending religious liberty, particularly in the context of our schools. And Kelly’s team does more than just Supreme Court litigation. It was two of his First Liberty attorneys who helped us push back, successfully, against the anti-Christian discrimination at the Somerville School Committee when a local church sought to open a religious school.   

Kelly Shackelford and First Liberty have helped make a difference in a number of religious freedom cases in Massachusetts over the last several years, working with MFI to be first in the fight for defending our Constitutional rights in the Commonwealth. I’m very excited for all of us to hear from him at our October 14th Annual Fundraising Banquet. Ticket sales officially open today! We have sold out in recent years, so don’t wait to reserve your seats.  

You can purchase your banquet tickets here.

If your business, church, or ministry is interested in being a sponsor for our banquet, click here.

To watch Kelly’s interview on this Supreme Court win with Sean Hannity on Fox News last night, click here.



For our families,

Andrew Beckwith, President


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