School renames Easter eggs Spring Spheres

A sophomore at a private high school in Seattle, Washington, while participating in a community service project, encountered a third grade teacher who required that Easter eggs being handed out during class be referred to as “Spring Spheres.”

“At the end of the week I had an idea to fill little plastic eggs with treats and jelly beans and other candy, but I was kind of unsure how the teacher would feel about that,” said the 16-year-old student. “I went to the teacher to get her approval and she wanted to ask the administration to see if it was okay. She said that I could do it as long as I called this treat ‘spring spheres.’ I couldn’t call them Easter eggs.”

Though the creation of the Easter bunny and Easter egg hunts are themselves an affront to the somber and joyous remembrance of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, this just goes to show that even that isn’t enough for the politically correct crowd. Much like the word Christmas in December, these people are determined to remove any of the last vestiges of Christianity from the public discourse.



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