Though our Commonwealth legalized recreational marijuana, here at MFI we continue to work with local community leaders to protect neighborhoods from pot shops. We’re encouraged by a recent victory you can read about in the Sentinel & Enterprise:
FITCHBURG — As the city moves full-steam ahead to process applications for cannabis businesses eyeing Fitchburg, residents at a standing-room only meeting said they want officials to pump the brakes.
“I don’t want to see any more availability of marijuana in Fitchburg… I’ve seen first hand the devastation marijuana plays on the brain, particularly a developing brain,” said Mark Rollo, a Fitchburg-based medical doctor who practices family medicine. “I say, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s good for you.”
Clergy members, city officials, residents and others voiced their concerns about the effects of expanding existing cannabis cultivators and permitting retail would have on the community at a Planning Board meeting Tuesday.
Public safety, health and welfare was on the minds of cannabis critics.”
Click here to read the full article.