Get ready for fall with MFI

Our state legislature is finally out of session this month for their summer break.  This gives us some breathing room here at MFI, but we’re already looking ahead to the fall.

First of all, I am excited to announce that as of this morning, our Engage the Bay State book is now available as a Kindle E-book!  This new platform creates more opportunities to get this resource into the hands of people who share our values and help educate them on how they can make a difference in their home, church, and community.

We tried to make it available for free, but were required to charge $1.99.  (At 244 pages, we think that’s still a pretty good deal – and the “royalties” we receive go straight to the work and mission of MFI. You can still order a hard copy here.)  However, if you are one of the first 15 people to click on this link and download the book, you get it for free.  (Click on the bouncing Amazon box on the site to see if you are one of the first 15.)

If you are one of the hundreds who have already gone through the Engage class in your church or small group, would you take a moment to write a review?  If you haven’t been through the class, start your fall session off by joining the over 100 churches and small groups across the Commonwealth that have used Engage to help them navigate some of the most sensitive issues of our day. For more information on how your church or small group can get involved in the Engage the Bay State program, email [email protected].

Speaking of getting ready for the fall, while I was attending our national conference at Focus on the Family’s headquarters in Colorado Springs last week, I came across a picture of James Dobson accepting induction into the Radio Hall of Fame from non-other than this year’s banquet speaker, Hugh Hewitt, back in 2008.  Hewitt is known for being a national radio talk show host, a NBC news analyst and a Washington Post contributing columnist.  We are already more than half-way to selling out again this year, so we recommend that you reserve your tickets today!

For our families,


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