UPDATED TIMES: Protest Planned Parenthood This Saturday

*UPDATE: Corrected Springfield and Fitchburg times below.

Join the many pro-life voices this Saturday, August 22 in the nationwide protest against Planned Parenthood and its disregard for our unborn. In Massachusetts, protests will be held in Boston, Worcester, Fitchburg and Springfield. Find the location closest to you, and speak out against the local genocide.

Protest Planned Parenthood


When: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Where: Planned Parenthood, 1055 Commonwealth Ave.

In Boston, speakers include:

  • Representative Jim Lyons and his wife, Bernadette
  • Reverend Michael McNamara
  • C. J. Doyle of Catholic Action League
  • Bill Cotter and Operation Rescue
  • Rita Russo
  • 40 Days for Life/Boston


When: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Where: Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant St.

In Worcester, speakers include:

  • Lee Crowley, Vigil Coordinator for 40 Days for Life Worcester
  • Rod Murphy, Director of Problem Pregnancy, a crisis pregnancy center offering women an alternative to abortion for over 30 years
  • Anne Fox, President of Massachusetts Citizens for Life
  • Catherine Anthony Adair, former Planned Parenthood clinic worked whose life was changed after seeing the aftermath of a second trimester abortion.

Parking in and around the Worcester Planned Parenthood location is limited; please be careful not to park illegally or in designated resident parking only areas. Do not park in the lot of the Medical building at 470 Pleasant St. Your car could be towed. If possible, carpooling is encouraged given the large crowd that is expected.


When: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. *CORRECTION
Where: Planned Parenthood, 3350 Main St.


When: 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. *CORRECTION
Where: Planned Parenthood, 391 Main St.

In Fitchburg, speakers include:

  • Dr. Mark Rollo
  • Attorney Tom Harvey

For more info, contact Joyce Aucoin [email protected]



*Quick suggestions on sign wordage: http://protestpp.com/suggested-wording-for-signs/


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