GOOD NEWS: Gordon College Stands Firm in Their Faith!

Two weeks ago, I wrote to you about Gordon College’s ongoing harassment by those who do not value religious liberty or diversity of faith when it comes to questions of sexual behavior. This week I have GOOD news to report. Despite all the media hostility and political pressure heaped on President Michael Lindsay and the college’s leadership over the past eight months, they are standing firm in their faith. On Monday, Gordon publicly reaffirmed their “traditional theological commitment on matters of human sexuality and standards for Christian living…” The school also announced the formation of a “Life Together” taskforce after an “extensive review of campus protocols and care for students on matters relating to human sexuality and sexual identity.”

President Lindsay noted that, “[t]he wider culture has shifted a great deal in recent years on this topic, as evidenced from the response of many of the College’s neighbors as they learned this summer of Gordon’s traditional interpretation of biblical teaching on human sexuality. The College’s leadership launched a comprehensive, campus-wide process of discerning what God would have us do at this time and in this place and how we as an institution can move forward without compromising our evangelical identity.”

In laying out a series of new initiatives for students to better address issues of sexuality, Lindsay made it clear that, “[o]ur primary motive in making these improvements is to advance the care of all of our students around issues of sexual identity. We want to be a place of grace and truth.” You can read the full press release here

I believe the leadership of Gordon has done just that. They have demonstrated not only the uncompromising firmness of a commitment to truth, however unpopular, but they have also shown the patience, restraint, and care indicative of grace. I have spoken personally with leaders of religious organizations and schools across the country who have been watching and waiting to see what Gordon would do in these circumstances, and I hope my alma mater’s example will help set the standard for a faithful response to growing hostility towards our faith and shared values.

For our families,

P.S. For those of you who were dismayed, as I was, by Hamilton Wenham’s vote two weeks ago to cancel the longstanding tradition of holding the high school graduation at Gordon, there is now a petition calling on the School Committee to reverse their disgraceful decision. There will be a new makeup of the committee after next month’s elections, so I am hopeful that new members will be more inclined to listen to the people they are elected to represent!


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