Join Us THIS WEEKEND for Opening Night of “Do You Believe”

I want to introduce you to a couple of dear friends of MFI, Carl and Barbara Nelson.  Below is a two minute video telling the story of how they are combining their passion for movies and their heart for faith and family in Massachusetts to bring salt and light to the culture of our Commonwealth.

My son and I had the opportunity to see a sneak peek of the latest film they’ve been working on, “Do You Believe?”  (from the creators of “God’s Not Dead“).  It was a well done and powerful movie.  As a parent, I am always struggling to find good movies for the whole family, so I appreciate greatly the work that Carl and Barbara do to help bring films like this to theaters near us.

I hope you get an opportunity to join them this opening weekend, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, March 20, 21st or 22nd for the movie “Do You Believe?” (!
Click here to purchase tickets for “Do You Believe?”

For our families,
andrew s full blue


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