Same-sex “marriage” repeal in New Hampshire debated

According to the Concord Monitor, it is the “libertarian caucus” within the Republican Party majority in the New Hampshire House that is seen as delaying a repeal of the Granite State’s same-sex “marriage” law.
“It is certainly disappointing to me,” said Sen. Fenton Groen, a Rochester Republican who has been vocal in his support of the repeal. “I think that, in the House particularly, we have a significant libertarian caucus within the Republican Party…and there are some Republicans who differ on that within the caucus.”
Lobbyists on both sides of the same-sex “marriage” issue are gearing up for a House vote expected in the coming weeks and there remain numerous members of the legislature who are not on record as to whether or not they would support a repeal. The question is not whether the repeal would pass the House and Senate, it is whether the margins would be large enough to override an expected veto by Democrat Gov. John Lynch.
Source: Concord Monitor


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