Our friends at the Family Research Council have made available a non-partisan, non-profit “2012 Values Voter Republican Presidential Voter Guide” that is downloadable and easily reproducible for churches and other civic groups. Please use the link below to download the Voter Guide, and remember that Massachusetts voters head to the polls on Tuesday, March 6 to cast ballots in the presidential primary.
CLICK HERE to download the two-page, fully-sourced 2012 Values Voter Republican Presidential Voter Guide. This voter guide conforms to IRS guidelines for distribution by 501(c)3 non-profit organizations.
Take the Pledge. Pray. Vote. Engage.
Join one million voters who are taking the pledge to pray for our nation, vote in every election and engage in the process of civic involvement. Christians Engaged exists to awaken, educate, and empower believers in Jesus Christ to: PRAY for our nation and elected officials regularly, VOTE in every local, state, and national election to impact our