MCFL to challenge healthcare mandate at ballot

Massachusetts Citizens for Life (MCFL) announced this week that they are putting the individual mandate in the Massachusetts universal healthcare law before the voters in November 2012. The pro-life organization has filed the necessary paperwork with the Attorney General’s office, and if approved, will result in the statewide petition effort this fall.

The language of the petition would repeal the requirement that all Massachusetts residents obtain health insurance, the core of the state’s universal healthcare law. President Obama and his allies have said that the Massachusetts law was the blueprint for ObamaCare.

Anne Fox, president of MCFL, told the State House News Service that she hopes the repeal will lead to an eventual dismantling of the entire law, which she said has lengthened the wait for doctor visits, contributed to rising insurance premiums and results in an increase in taxpayer-funded abortion.

Attorney General Martha Coakley has until early September to review and either certify or reject the language of the proposal. If it is certified, supporters must gather 68,911 signatures by mid-November. If the signature is successful, lawmakers would have an opportunity to response by May 2012 or allow the question to go to the ballot (following a smaller signature gathering effort).

We will keep you updated on the progress of the certification by the Attorney General and the planned signature drive in late September. For more information, please visit or call 617.242.4199.


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