Home Depot sponsors gay pride float in parade

We have reported to you previously about The Home Depot’s unabashed support of the homosexual agenda over the last few years. In June, The Home Depot sponsored the San Francisco Gay Pride parade and festival, and entered a float. As first reported by the American Family Association (AFA), the company’s float featured a flat-bed company truck proclaiming “True Colors” with a large rainbow across both sides. Dozens of people danced and shouted pro-homosexual messages from the truck along the parade route.

The Home Depot, and its chairman Frank Blake, are committed to supporting and promoting the homosexual agenda, including same-sex “marriage.” More than one-half million people have pledged to boycott Home Depot until it agrees to remain neutral in the same-sex “marriage” fight.

We encourage you to continue boycott Home Depot and refuse to buy your home improvement supplies from the company because of their blatant support of the homosexual agenda and same-sex “marriage.” We also encourage you to download THIS INFORMATION SHEET and distribute it to your friends, family and members of your church.


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