Tune In: Andrew on the Air

As we get closer to the November 6th election, we’re fielding more and more media requests about MA Ballot Question #3, the Bathroom and Locker Room Law.  I have found myself having to explain, repeatedly, to local reporters why some women, for example, might be uncomfortable with a man undressing next to them.  #MeToo doesn’t seem to apply when it interferes with the LGBTQ agenda!

You can listen to the hour long debate I had earlier this week on 90.9 FM, WBUR radio with a co-chair of the Yes on 3 campaign HERE.  On Wednesday of this coming week, I will be debating the issue again at 9 p.m. with Dan Rea on 1030 AM, WBZ radio.  Dan will be taking questions from the audience, so please listen in and text or call the show, if you can.  It will be a townhall style debate hosted by Endicott College in Beverly.  Admission is free if you would like to join me in person.

While some recent polls claim strong support for keeping this horrible law in place, when likely voters are asked about bathrooms, rather than the vague “public accommodations,” that support drops precipitously.  That’s why it’s so important to get the message out about what this law really does.  Make sure all of your friends, family and neighbors understand what’s at stake on Question 3 and why a NO vote says “NO” to men in women’s spaces.

For our families,


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