NO on 3

Earlier this week, it was announced that the repeal of the Bathroom and Locker Room Law will be Ballot Question 3, so the KeepMASafe campaign will be renamed No On Question 3. 

KeepMASafe will be launching new campaign materials very soon!  As we move forward toward November, we hope you will join us in this fight!  There is a lot of work to be in done in order to spread the word to voters.  We need to make sure everyone in Massachusetts is aware of the abuses of the law, how dangerous it is and why voters need to vote “NO” to make sure it is repealed.

Particularly, voters must know that the legislature failed the people of the Commonwealth when amendments were proposed during legislative debate over the law.  The legislature had an opportunity to amend the law to protect all citizens from violent criminals and sexual predators by making an exemption for registered sex offenders but chose not to do so.  Now, women, children and the vulnerable are at risk.

We have multiple examples of this from across the continent and many right here in Massachusetts, which you can read and become informed about by visiting KeepMASafe’s website.

To get the word out, we are going to need a lot of resources.  The other side has the media and deep pockets on their side.  We are counting on you to donate to the campaign to make sure we get our message to VOTE NO ON QUESTION 3 out to voters!  Can you give $100, $50, or ever $20 or $10 to our campaign?  Anything you can give helps us reach more voters.  Thank you for whatever support you can give.

Thank you so much for your support!

For our families,


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