This is not a drill! Counseling Ban to be voted on tomorrow

We learned late yesterday that the Counseling Ban will be voted on in the MA House of Representatives TOMORROW (Wednesday)! This is our last chance to try and stop this dangerous bill I’ve been warning about for years. It is the greatest threat to parental rights we’ve seen yet. Please, call AND email your State Rep, Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo (617-722-2500), and the Governor (617-725-4005) TODAY and demand they stop this bill!

This is the bill that would allow the state to take away your daughter and make her someone else’s son. Legislation banning Biblical counseling on issues of human sexuality for minors is the latest move by an aggressive LGBTQ agenda, and is being passed in multiple states. However, ONLY MASSACHUSETTS has the provision labeling this counseling “child abuse.” That means if this passes, the therapist would lose their license, and you would LOSE YOUR CHILD! You can read more about it here.


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