CALL TO ACTION: Stand up for religious liberty in MA

We need your help to protect business owners from being targeted for their faith in Massachusetts.  Two weeks ago, I told you about a new bill at the State House that would seriously attack religious freedom, putting the livelihoods of some Massachusetts business owners on the line.  H.767 would prevent corporations from claiming certain religious protections in the face of a growing number of novel “discrimination” claims.  Essentially, legislators think they can strip away constitutional protections for many business owners that were recently confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Hobby Lobby decision.

Yesterday we learned that the bill is ready for a vote in the MA House, meaning it could be voted on as early as tomorrow.  Your voice is needed to help stop it!  Please take two minutes to let your State Representative know you oppose this bill, because Massachusetts business owners shouldn’t be forced to choose between living out their faith and providing for their family.


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