You’re Making a Difference!

Representative James O’Day, sponsor of the notorious Sex Ed Mandate, admitted that the “bill’s prospects in the House this session are uncertain.”  Why is that?  Because of you.

“Every time that there seems to be a move forward on this bill, there comes a rash of emails mostly with inaccurate information,” O’Day lamented. “They fill up all of our email inboxes with all this misinformation and it gets a lot louder than what we’ve been able to do so far.”

If by “inaccurate” and “misinformation” O’Day means explaining to parents what the bill actually says and what it would lead to then I guess I’m guilty as charged.  Perhaps Rep. O’Day would like to hold a joint, public conversation about his bill with me.  I would welcome that.  If he’s your Rep, ask him.  The important thing is that even legislators whose ideology is completely hostile to our shared values have to recognize your voice when you use it.  Keep up the good work!

For our families,


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