Gender X

Newly filed legislation on Beacon Hill would add a third sex designation on state-issued identification, such as drivers’ licenses.  If Senator Karen Spilka of Ashland is successful in passing her bill, “X” will become a third option for sex, alongside “M” and “F”.  Spilka claims, “It is the person’s identity, the person who has that license that should be able to say what they identify as and that is what should matter…”

However, drivers’ licenses and other forms of ID are legal documents intended to reflect objective facts, like height, date of birth, current address, and sex.  They are not designed to be tools for the fulfillment of someone’s sexual expression.  I’m sure there are plenty of people who would rather not have their true height or age listed on their license, but that’s irrelevant.  I may desire to be 6’5”, or identify as a 25-year-old, but I’m 6 foot zero and 40 years old, and that’s what goes on my driver’s license.  As of right now, the bill has no co-sponsors, but we’ll keep an eye on it.


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