The first step to defunding Planned Parenthood in MA

On the other end of the life spectrum, I’m happy to say that signature petitions for the MA Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortions ballot question are now available. If successful, this signature drive would put a question on the November 2018 ballot (alongside the bathroom bill repeal) to make taxpayer funded abortions no longer a “constitutional right.”There are three things you can do to help right now:

  1. Sign up here to gather signatures—there will be shifts to fill at super markets, and other locations where voters can sign. We need your help!
  2. Ask your pastor if Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortion volunteers can conduct a drive at your church. Please notify them immediately if your church can conduct a drive, so they can get you papers, and coordinate with local volunteers to provide assistance. Simply email a field director for further assistance:
  1. Make a donation today! This ballot question will need funds to print signature papers and pushcards immediately. Pushcards and lawn signs will help educate voters that their tax dollars do fund abortions, but they need your help to purchase them.

Finally, in case you missed it, Channel 22 News did a story on the petition drive. They’ve posted it to their Stop Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Facebook page, so if you can take 30 seconds to like the page and share the post, it will help spread the word!

For our families,


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