I Need Your Help to Fight the Counseling Ban

Last week I wrote to you about the threat of the Sexual Orientation Counseling Ban circulating on Beacon Hill.  Well, I was at the State
House yesterday afternoon for the Celebration of Life Day (more on that below) when I received an email from a friendly legislator informing me that the public hearing of the Counseling Ban would be this coming Tuesday, June 6th.  We’ve been scrambling since then to line up witnesses and experts to testify against this terrible bill, and I must say we’re having some remarkable success despite the short notice.  But we need more help.

LGBT activists have made these bills a national priority and they are using them to do real damage to parental rights, free speech and religious liberty.  If you or anyone you know, maybe through your church, either counsels youth struggling with same-sex attraction and gender identity or is themself someone who has received counseling for these issues, PLEASE, contact me today.

We really need the people who would be immediately impacted by this bill to come and tell their stories.  If we don’t counter the LGBT narrative on this issue, we will lose the right to help our young people escape these unwanted sexual desires.

For our families,

P.S. If you’d like more information about this dangerous bill, please see our legislative brief.


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