Every year leading up to Valentine’s Day, National Marriage Week USA hosts a campaign to
celebrate the God-given gift of marriage and recognize its benefits to the world around us. Here at MFI, we fully believe that healthy families build a healthy society, and the root of healthy families are healthy marriages.
All this week until Valentine’s Day, MFI will be filling our Facebookand Twitter with pro-marriage posts to celebrate that God’s design for marriage is the best design for marriage.
One article on Fox News we shared this week referenced a new study that debunks the myth that marriage is a “ball and chain” for men. In fact, the report shows that men actually have healthier, more fulfilling lives when married (read the full study here).
Another article we posted from BOLD discusses how an intact family, with both mother and father, impacts children. The article cites a report by the National Center for Family and Marriage which said that “children in married households have a poverty rate of just 11 percent, whereas children in cohabitating households have a 47 percent poverty rate.” Our report on Fatherlessness in Massachusetts shares similar, state-specific statistics. In the last report, we found that “the poverty rate for fatherless families in the Commonwealth is five to ten times higher than the poverty rate for children who are living in married two-parent families, with both their birth parents or two adoptive parents.” As you can see, marriage matters.
We hope that you will continue to recognize the importance of marriage and that you will join with us in celebration of this divine institution!
Follow us on social media this week for more articles on marriage: