Does a Woman Have the Right to Private Spaces Without Males Present?

“How can we teach our daughters that their ‘no means no’ when people call them bigots for not wanting to share Kaeley Triller - press conferencetheir showers with men?”  That’s an awfully good question, and I’m glad to tell you that our friend Kaeley Triller Haver is demanding answers in a must-read article in National Review this week. We introduced you to Kaeley, an advocate for safety and privacy at Washington’s Just Want Privacy campaign, last year when she led a press conference at the State Houseagainst the MA Bathroom Law.

Despite being a victim of sexual abuse herself, her well-founded concerns were summarily dismissed by our legislature, one of whom publicly said that women shouldn’t be afraid of men going into their bathrooms and locker rooms because men who identify as female “are women.”

As Kaeley wrote in this week’s article, “Teaching women to ignore red flags and disregard boundaries is not only psychologically harmful; it’s actually dangerous… Does a woman, ever in her life, have the right to exist in a space without the presence of a male?”

Well, according to MA Attorney General Maura Healey, any woman who feels uncomfortable with a biological male in her private spaces should just “hold it.”

That is a flippant and insensitive statement, and it’s also wildly irresponsible coming from the Commonwealth’s chief law enforcement officer.  As Kaeley argues in her article: “The data consistently show that 99 percent of sexual crimes against females were committed by males. When the data change, then maybe we can have a discussion about whether or not anatomy matters.”

There really is no refuting the many good points and tough questions in Kaeley’s article. Read the whole thing here.



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