BREAKING: Campaign to repeal Bathroom Bill announced

I just got back a few hours ago from the bathroom bill repeal campaign launch.  We had a good crowd gathered in front of the statehouse, with the media in keep ma safe logo - pink FINALtow.  On behalf of a diverse group of community leaders, I was excited to announce the formation of “Keep MA Safe,” as a ballot question committee.  Keep MA Safe will lead the effort to repeal the transgender bathroom, locker-room and shower law.

Representative Jim Lyons, who led the fight in the legislature against this bill and its stripping away of privacy rights, fired up the crowd.  We then had three courageous mothers speak, Ashley King from Westford, Nan Li from Wayland, and Mirna Merced from Cambridge.  As I’ve been telling reporters over the past several days, we have seen a real surge of interest and activism on this issue.  I believe that is  because, as people learn about what the bill will actually do, they realize it will impact them and their children personally, and it will do so in potentially intimate settings.  As I told the crowd, the battle for privacy and safety in public accommodations in MA is not over.  As of today, it has only just begun.

Within the next 10-14 days, Keep MA Safe will be receiving the official signature forms from the Secretary of State’s office which will allow us to begin collecting the 32,375 signatures needed to put the law on the ballot in November of 2018.  Please, SIGN UP to collect signatures at your local church, supermarket, or in your neighborhood.  Keep MA Safe will keep you posted on the progress of the campaign so you can help keep our families safe.


MFI’s Andrew Beckwith announces Keep MA Safe campaign to repeal the Bathroom Bill


Representative Jim Lyons of Andover supports the Keep MA Safe initiative

Nan Li 2

Wayland mother of three, Nan Li, encourages MA citizens to sign petition to repeal the Bathroom Bill


MA mother of four and educator, Ashley King, speaks out about the Bathroom Bill


Keep MA Safe campaign announced


Concerned mother from Cambridge, Mirna Merced, addresses the crowd in Spanish

Visit to find out more about this intiative, and please “like” Keep MA Safe on Facebook.

For our families,

Andrew Beckwith


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