Transgender training at Boston Medical Center

Recently I was asked to comment for a WBUR article on Boston Medical Center’s (BMC) opening of a Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery.  Later this summer, the hospital will begin genital surgery for men transitioning to women, and will “create fully functioning female genitalia for transgender women.”  This was heralded as a milestone for sex change operations, now referred to as “gender confirmation surgery,” as BMC will be the first hospital to perform such procedures in the North East.  I expressed disappointment that BMC will be amputating healthy organs in order to conform to the troubled minds of their patients.  That so outraged some of WBUR’s readers, that the article’s author had to repeatedly reply to the roughly 30 comments posted by people who were irate at my inclusion in the story.  This is yet another example of the agenda of “tolerance” desperately trying to silence any dissent.

Just this week, I learned that this video was recently shown during a “leadership” training for BMC medical staff.  While I don’t know if actors from “Kinky Boots” are patients of the clinic, their message about the bathroom bill was thought worthy of promotion.

kinky boots video screen grab - play


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