Important Hearings at the State House Next Week!

The political season in Massachusetts is in full swing. As such, hearings on our legislative priorities will be scheduled throughout the summer. The first of these will take place on June 2 and 3. We encourage your attendance at these hearings, of which the times and locations are listed below. Your written testimonies and presence on Beacon Hill as a concerned citizen speaks volumes to pro-family support across the Commonwealth.

Hearing Scheduled Tuesday, 6/2/15 1:00pm –
Joint Committee on Public Health in Hearing Room B-2woman_doctor_shutterstock_small

Hearings Scheduled Wednesday, 6/3/15 at 10:00 am—
Joint Committee on Education in Hearing Room A-1

  • HB339 Rep. Decker (D) — An Act relative to providing health education in schools
  • HB448 Rep. O’Day (D) & Rep. Brodeur (D)– An Act relative to healthy youth
  • SB265 Sen. DiDomenico (D) — An Act relative to healthy youth

While you can find additional information on each of the bills on our website or on our legislative priority sheet, here is a short perspective on these bills:

  •  “A Woman’s Safety Act” will require the licensing and inspection of the numerous non-hospital abortion clinics in Massachusetts. Veterinarian clinics and tattoo parlors have more health regulations in the Commonwealth than abortion clinics. Massachusetts women deserve better than the substandard medical practices of the abortion industry whose 16 abortion clinics in the Commonwealth put thousands of women at risk of healthcare-associated infections and the possibility of adverse effects.
  • The Pro Abortion “Consent & Counseling” Bill would lower the age of consent for abortion by two years, from 18 to 16, and would significantly increase the number of people, other than parents, who can give consent for a minor to obtain an abortion.  In both categories, this bill would undermine parents’ rights regarding the health and welfare of their children.
  • HB339, HB448 and SB265 all deal with the implementation of comprehensive sex education in all public schools, K through 12. These bills would take away from local school committees all control regarding sex education and impose a curriculum designed by Planned Parenthood on sexuality, contraception and abortion. A state-mandated health curriculum would eliminate any choice for parents and autonomy for school boards in local communities in determining what would be taught to their children in public schools.

We encourage you to join us on Tuesday and Wednesday for these important hearings for bills that would impact our families and shared family values.

For our families,

andrew s full blue


*UPDATED: 06/02/15*


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