Your Kids Could Be Asked About Their “Sex Life” in School

Are your children taking these sex quizzes at school? According to Breitbart’s recent article “Schools Quiz Twelve-year-olds About Gay, Oral, and Anal Sex,” the controversial “Youth Risk Behavior Survey” asks students as young as 12 intrusive, inappropriate questions including:

  • Which of the following best describes you?
    A. Heterosexual (straight)
    B. Gay or lesbian
    C. Bisexual
    D. Not sure
  • A transgender person is someone whose biological sex at birth does not match the way they think or feel about themselves. Are you transgender?
  • How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?
  • During the past 3 months, with how many people did you have sexual intercourse?

Click here to see the full 2013 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey (MYRBS).

The survey, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is being given statewide without parental knowledge or consent.

According to Massachusetts statistics, 9,185 students in 144 schools participate in this survey. It is conducted every two years by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and is given to randomly selected schools across the Commonwealth. The results of unscientific surveys like this about youth sexual activity are often used to demand more and younger “sex education,” typically provided by Planned Parenthood or GLBTQ advocacy groups.

We are thankful to State Rep. Colleen Garry (D – Dracut) who has filed a bill (HB382) this session to protect our kids from being asked these disturbing questions. The legislation submitted would require written parental notification and consent before students are given surveys regarding personal or private issues. This will give parents the opportunity to review all screenings, surveys, analyses and evaluations in advance.

To make sure your children are not being given the “Youth Risk Behavior Survey” without your permission, call your local school’s office today.


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