MFI at the National March for Life

Last Tuesday, my heart was full as I held my newborn niece in my arms a few hours after she entered the world. Two days later, on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, my heart was broken as I marched for the 57 million babies who never had the chance to enter the world. As sobering as it was to attend the 42nd lena pro-life 2 copyMarch for Life in Washington, D.C. last Thursday, I believe I speak for all the participants when I say that the attitude at the March was one of hope.

As I marched along side the hundreds of thousands in attendance (the largest human rights march in the world), I was reminded that the fight for our unborn is far from over. The first thing I noticed as I joined the massive crowd at the National Mall was that the majority of the marchers were YOUNG– youth groups, college students, young families, church groups and high schools, among many others. One third of my generation has been slaughtered, and the outrage is steadily growing among the millennials (myself included). Here’s what some on Twitter had to say about it:


Unfortunately, most of the media didn’t seem to think that hundreds of thousands of people flooding the streets of our nation’s capital is news (but of course, under-inflated footballs are definitely news).  However, despite the media’s refusal to cover the national cry for justice, it happened, and it will continue to happen until the murder of our unborn ceasesBe encouraged in knowing that the rising generation has advocates- many of them, in fact. One group, Students for Life of America, was extremely vocal at the March, handing out signs to everyone and even confronting the few pro-abortion protestors that were at the March. It was an honor to walk with others from all over the country and of all ages to be a sea of voices against this national holocaust.

Click here to get a clear image of how many people marched.

We must remember, however, that being pro-life not only means protecting life in the womb but also life until natural death. I attended a pro-life caucus before the March, hosted by our friends at Massachusetts Citizens for Life, where numerous speakers addressed another growing threat to life in Massachusetts: assisted suicide.

In November 2012, the voters of our Commonwealth rejected doctor-prescribed suicide in a state-wide referendum. This legislative session, Rep. Louis Kafka (D- 8th Norfolk) and supporters of assisted suicide have filed legislation that would legalize doctor-prescribed suicide through the legislature. Please stand with us as we continue to uphold the dignity of human life in the public square.

Every life is a precious gift. As Proverbs 31:8-9 tells us, let us speak for those who cannot speak for themselves and plead their cause.

God bless,
Lena Wakim
Director of Communications


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