VIDEO: Kris Mineau reacts to DOMA decision on NECN Broadside

Broadside: Cases settled, divide remains
Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 7:32pm
(NECN) – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage Wednesday in two cases – DOMA and Prop 8.
While gay activists are elated by the rulings, opponents say they’re not done fighting.
Sue O’Connell is the publisher of Bay Windows, which serves New England’s LGBT community. Kris Mineau is with the Massachusetts Family Institute.
“You still have 38 states that affirm marriage between a man and a woman, and we have all over recorded history on our side. These are speed bumps in a road that I believe eventually will be straightened out,” Mineau says.
“There’s no disagreement that we now have to go state-by-state, which is really what I think many activists and a lot of architects of it wanted to happen in some ways,” O’Connell says.


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