Choose Life – We are close

Dear Friends of the Family,
Though we don’t have definite numbers, the response from the pro-life community to the pleas for additional people to sign-up for the official Massachusetts “Choose Life License Plate” by the July 1st deadline says that we are moving in the right direction. We received an email from a supporter that said the following:
“For your information, I just ordered two plates online and both transactions were confirmed and I received emails with the information saying the plates would be mailed to me within 10 days.”
Unfortunately, it is too late to order your plates online as the emailer above did. You must go into a full service RMV branch to place your order, and you must do so before the close of business THIS FRIDAY. You can find your closest branch here:
Andrew and I both have purchased our plates. Please join us in making a difference for women and pre-born children right here in Massachusetts.
For our families,


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