Congressman Lynch lone MA vote to defend preborn little girls

The U.S. House of Representatives voted last Thursday on the Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act (PreNDA), a bill that would make it unlawful to perform or coerce a sex-selection abortion. The final tally was 246-168, a strong majority, but not the two-thirds required under the fast-track procedure utilized by the House. points out that the Planned Parenthood Federation of America went all out against the bill, warning House members on May 29th not to vote for it. A vote for the bill would be “scored,” the abortion provider said, as a vote against “women’s health.” What this means is that PPFA will happily perform a sex selection abortion, like those performed in China, except where it is illegal.
Of the ten members of the Massachusetts House delegation, only Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-South Boston) voted in support of this bill. We encourage you, especially if you live in his District, to call Congressman Lynch to thank him: (202) 225-8273. You can also email him at


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