St. Francis Xavier Church in Acushnet is struggling to exercise its religious freedom. A controversial sign at the Catholic Church has prompted some violent threats from critics.
The staff at St. Francis Xavier says police are watching the property after someone called and threatened to burn the church down.
It’s all over a sign that says, “Two men are friends, not spouses.”
The head of pastoral services put it up because, “he thought it’d be a good chance to make sure everyone knew where the Catholic Church stands on the issue of same sex marriage,” explains Monsignor Gerard O’Connor.
“That’s what the church teaches,” says O’Connor. “We understand people disagree with us, but we do it out of love. We never said we hate anybody.”
Read the full article HERE.
The church in Acushnet has raised the issue of a profound consequence of normalizing homosexual behavior – the impact on friendship. Providence College professor Anthony Esolen writes, “the stigma against sodomy cleared away ample space for an emotionally powerful friendship that did not involve sexual intercourse…” This theme was picked up by Dr. Albert Mohler in his book Desire and Deceit. “Normal, nonsexual, fraternal friendships among men now come under suspicion… The normalization of homosexuality destroys the natural order of friendships among men.” We commend St. Francis Xavier church for recognizing this fundamental relational truth and not being afraid to declare it.
If you reside in the regions served by the New Bedford Standard Times and Fall River Herald News, we encourage you to write letters to the editor commending Monsignor O’Connor and the pastoral staff at St. Xavier Catholic Church for their brave stand for traditional marriage.
Happy Religious Freedom Day, Plymouth.
Today is Religious Freedom Day, but is Plymouth really honoring it? In the video clip below, watch as Selectman Kevin Canty questions school committee candidate Debby Dugan’s ability to uphold the Constitution “despite her Christian beliefs.” Even though Debby has years of experience serving on various education committees, she was