Beautiful women standing up for values

Dear Friends of the Family,
In today’s overly sexualized world, it is easy to think that anyone associated with industries that depend on female beauty is devoid of traditional moral values. In many cases that is true, but there are always exceptions.
Maria Cahill, the winner of the Miss Delaware 2011 contest, is using her new-found fame to promote the pro-life message. According to an interview with Townhall magazine, Cahill participated in the March for Life as Miss Delaware despite vocal opposition. In an April 2011 video just prior to her winning the Miss Delaware title, Cahill indicated she would be using her fame to save lives.
She described herself as “one of seven kids” noting that “my family is extremely pro-life and conservative.”  She said that in college the topic of abortion is taboo and suggested one reason is the fact that “this is murder we’re talking about.”  She added “People don’t use that word… it’s a vulgar term, but that’s what it is – it’s murder.”
Another woman who is using her modeling fame for the good is Kylie Bisutti, the winner of the 2009 Victoria’s Secret Runway Model contest. As she says on her website: “I am a model, actress, and business woman who strives to be a Godly role model and a positive influence.”
She admits that after winning the competition, she fell further into “the dark hole of ‘Satan’s playground’” and became more insecure and unhappy. But by God’s grace, she found a different path and walked away from being a sex symbol. “[The Lord] reshaped my desires for my life and showed me that my body is a temple and was created to be honoring to HIm in all things, especially in my marriage and in being an example to younger girls,” writes Bisutti.
In her first New England appearance, Kylie will be at Trinity Evangelical Church in North Reading on Tuesday, May 15th. MFI worked closely with Trinity to bring Kylie to Massachusetts to share her story about stepping away from her dream to focus on her faith and inner beauty. Women of all ages are invited, and tickets are available online at for $15 (women) and $10 (students). CLICK HERE to register.
We hope you can join us for this inspiring evening. Ladies, bring your daughters, your mothers, your granddaughters, and any other women who would be blessed by Kylie’s powerful story.
For our families,



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