School returns ‘God’ to song of patriotism
‘Political correctness’ backfires
By Ben Wolfgang, The Washington Times
Thursday, April 5, 2012
God may once again bless the USA at Stall Brook Elementary.
The Bellingham, Mass., school, under fire for changing the lyrics of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” to “We Love the USA” for an upcoming fourth-grade concert, reversed course Thursday after drawing a backlash from parents and hints of legal threats from Mr. Greenwood, who penned the 1984 tune.
District Superintendent Edward L. Fleury acknowledged in a statement that “political correctness” was the motivation behind a proposed change, but the school ultimately decided against booting “God” from the song.
“Students will be allowed to sing or not sing ‘God Bless the USA.’ … No other words will be substituted,” he said. “We believe the use of the word ‘God’ is acceptable in patriotic songs. The district has no intent to censor any patriotic songs. We are certainly sorry if this approach was perhaps considered as disrespectful. That was never the intent.”
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“Massachusetts, obviously, is one of the most liberal states in the country. We’re leading the way in trying to push God out of the public square, trying to push even the very reference to God out of our public schools,” said Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute. “It’s political correctness run amok … and now we’re moving children down this path of moral oblivion.”
CLICK HERE to read the full article in the Washington Times.

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