Sent Out To Heal
The Church’s Role in the Health Care Crisis
Saturday, March 17, 2012
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Kaiser Chapel, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
130 Essex Street, South Hamilton, MA 01982
Cost: Registration includes coffee, refreshments, copy of Tim Johnson’s book
$20 ($30 after March 12) Regular
$10 ($20 after March 12) Full-time students, unemployed, or spouse attending with regular registrant
That there is a health care crisis is beyond dispute. Costs are out of control. Coverage is imperfect. Few topics are more divisive politically.
We hope and pray for wiser, more effective governmental impact. We hope and pray for wiser, more effective market and business impact.
But neither government nor the market will ever solve the health care problem on their own.
Healing the sick was central to the ministry of Jesus and his commission to his followers. For most of the 2000 years since, Christians have been high impact health care givers, hospital founders, and the like. Not so much in recent decades thought. Sadly.
We are calling pastors, lay leaders, and health care givers of all types to a half-day of serious reflection on what God might have our churches do.
You will hear about church-based preventive health care, wellness programs, dietary and fitness programs, commissioning and support of health care workers in our churches, neighborhood clinics, etc.. ideas you and your church can adopt.
Every registrant will receive a copy of Dr. Timothy Johnson’s new book, The Truth About Getting Sick in America.
Timothy Johnson
Dr. G. Timothy Johnson (MDiv, MPH, MD) is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School. He was for 26 years Chief Medical Editor for ABC News, Good Morning America, and NightLine. Ordained in the Covenant Church he is a member of Community Covenant Church in Peabody.
Ray Hammond
Dr. Ray Hammond (MA, MD) was trained as a physician and surgeon at Harvard and practiced medicine for two decades. He is also (since 1988) founding pastor of Bethel AME Church in Boston. His wife and co-pastor is pediatrician Gloria White-Hammond.
Stephen Ko
Dr. Stephen Ko (MPH, MD) is a pediatrician and preventive medicine doctor in private practice (at Boston Children’s, Holy Family, and Lawrence General Hospital). He has just accepted a post at the Centers for Disease Control. He is a leader at the Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston in Lexington.
Eno Mondesir
Dr. Eno Mondesir (MPH, PhD) has served on the Boston Public Health Commission for 15 years as coordinator of the Infectious Disease Program. He co-pastors Voice of the Gospel Tabernacle Church in Boston. In 2000 he founded Agape Health Team to minister health and compassion in Haiti and elsewhere.
David Gill
Dr. David Gill (PhD) is Director of the Mockler Center and Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books on ethics and has served as ethics consultant and trainer for Swedish Covenant Hospital (Chicago) and elsewhere.