MFI Applauds Lawmakers Who Oppose Transgender Bathroom Bill

Media Release | Massachusetts Family Institute
For immediate release

MFI Applauds Lawmakers Who Oppose Transgender Bathroom Bill

Boston – More than a dozen state lawmakers today voiced opposition of the Transgender Bathroom Bill citing that the bill will hurt small businesses, fill courts with costly litigation and is redundant given the Commonwealth’s already stringent anti-discrimination laws.

“I applaud these lawmakers for speaking truth to this issue,” said Kris Mineau, president, Massachusetts Family Institute. “They see it for what it is, a special interest boondoggle that does nothing more to protect this minority and in fact opens the doors for a panoply of financial and legal issues for the rest of us to bear.”

Rep. Marc Lombardo (Billerica) cited that any form of this bill would, “Hurt business, hurt cities and towns, and fill our courts with much costly litigation.”

Rep. Paul Adams (Andover) commented that he has reviewed the issue carefully and voiced that he has not come to his decision lightly and neither he nor his colleagues want to see any citizen victimized. “I believe Massachusetts has been very progressive in protecting citizens.” He cites the state’s tough hate crimes laws and anti-discrimination statutes.

Rep. Shauna O’Connell (Taunton) remarked, “I came to this body in January with the goal of reviving our economy, creating jobs and getting people back to work.” She believes focusing on this issue now, on the heels of a recess, is the wrong priority. “This comes at a time when Melissa’s bill has been languishing for ten years.”

The House is expected to vote on a measure tomorrow. Massachusetts Family Institute urges citizens to contact their legislators immediately and voice their opposition to this measure.

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