Air Force Apology: Just Plane Wrong

From Family Research Council:

Speaking of charity, the U.S. Air Force wants to promote less of it. Last week, the branch’s headquarters apologized for encouraging cadets to help needy children after complaints from an atheist fringe. The Academy had circulated an email asking people to partner with Operation Christmas Child, a longtime project of Samaritan’s Purse that sends shoeboxes of gifts to impoverished kids. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation complained, saying the Academy had acted unconstitutionally. Air Force officials immediately cowered, ordering cadets to stop endorsing the program campus-wide and work through the Chaplains Corps instead.

Well, MRFF may be able to bully the Air Force, but that kind of political correctness won’t fly with most Americans. Don’t let these attacks on religious freedom cripple the important work of Franklin Graham’s ministry. Support Operation Christmas Child today:


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